Mary Cassatt, the Child's Bath, 1893
A synchronicity of thoughts and images: the reading from Luke about Mary, Elizabeth and maternity, children & mothers at High Street, Billy & Maria's news. Lastly, something about Ya'el (especially with her mother) particularly reminds me of this painting.

I love the art you post on this blog. More Christians need to see how art can inform our walk and the richness it can bring to it. Thanks for being--at least it seems to me in my visits to this blog--a champion of that!
Without wanting to voyeur, can Billy & Maria's news be shared across the Pacific? It peaked this Aussie's interest!
beautiful painting. i love the intimacy implied by their heads touching. it is a vary calming image.
it was so wonderful to see all the kids running around at the Leffels' place (Christmas party) on Sunday.....not really "calming" but i loved the way we have grown into a community that crosses several generations.
Thank you Scott for posting another great picture. And I would agree with you that this picture could easily lead one to think about Mike, Sarah, and Ya'el. Perhaps that's because they, along with Joey and Melanie, encourage their young daughters to enjoy sacramental life with the rest of the community. It's always been a great joy to watch Ya'el and Simone take communion along with the adults. In fact, I remember one night in particular where Ya'el went up to the altar box after the meeting and began to serve herself once more. As Mike and I amusedly watched her partake, I looked at Mike and said with a chuckle, "I guess she just can't get enough of Jesus!" It was a great image to be sure, and one that we would all be wise to meditate upon. Unless you become like little children...........
At any rate, this picture recalls for me the little recognized sacrament of footwashing, and its in that sense that it reminds of Ya'el and Simone. And it makes me very thankful that we've got parents like the Browns and the Koskies setting great examples for the rest of us.
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