Monday, March 07, 2005

communality-wide gathering: winter formal

each month we come together (from three different fellowship groups) to remember our unity and celebrate what God is doing throughout the whole of communality. each fellowship takes turns hosting this 'event' and this month the 3rd St mob presented us with a chance to indulge. the idea for saturday evening (thanks TP) was an extravagant winter formal...classic attire, high class fare, dancing and decadence (all within the rules, of course). as you will see, a wonderful time was had by was a fantastic challenge for a community like ours that is very well acquainted with simple-living, austere ways, and minimalist leanings (not to mention track-pants).
most uttered comment of the night: "i've never seen you dressed up!"
we witnessed a sensational marriage proposal as well as some (other) very generous door prizes ...any other reflections, memorable moments, quotes, etc?

(select 'full post' to see more pictures...)

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