Thursday, November 17, 2005

a way to measure our days

in recent weeks, melanie did a wonderful job of inspiring and coaching us in a series of gatherings to explore the season of advent. at the root of these gatherings is a commitment to be a self-theologizing, missional community. we are not happy with simply and passively re-enacting traditions, nor are we willing to disconnect ourselves from the beautiful and rich history of our faith.

it is our obligation and privilege to generate our own traditions and rituals as we follow the already-work of the triune God in our world. this requires thoughtful, prayerful, and critical engagement with our traditions, scripture, and our life in mission.

the fruit of this exercise was an advent calendar that frames our preparations for christmas with feasting, fasting, readings, and reflections.

for some wider context, this link is a helpful survey of the christian calendar.
if you haven't seen a copy of the summary and calendar please email me and i can make sure you get a copy.

joey and will are also keeping us moving forward down this self-theologizing path. they are editing a 'prayer book' (a book of uncommon prayer, perhaps). this is a way for us to learn the traditions that have served god's people for so many years as well as to compile our own growing list of rituals and resources. everyone should be encouraged to explore what it means for the word to be made flesh in our time and place and to join in on this process of action/reflection.
so, talk about it with one another, pray, act, imagine, and act again. talk to joey and will about how you might contribute.

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