so, i guess this is a confession post and a desperate attempt to make something of my addiction. here are a few books i have 'dipped in to' in recent weeks...perhaps you will want to read the whole book.

Exploring Reality : The Intertwining of Science and Religion by John Polkinghorne (2005)this book i picked up last week because i felt like i needed to think some more about the holy spirit with pentecost coming soon - or perhaps i thought i might need to feel more about the holy spirit. either way, i needed something about the holy spirit. the essay/chapter i found most helpful was called "Divine Reality: the Trinity." as a physicist and anglican priest polkinghorne writes beautifully about the mystery of the divine community by weaving string theory and the writings of dead theologians. it helped.
Meeting the expectations of the land : essays in sustainable agriculture and stewardship / edited by Wes Jackson, Wendell Berry [and] Bruce Colman. (1984)this one is part of a large pile of books about agrarianism - the philosophy and practice of sustainable agriculture. i'm trying to read bits and pieces to learn how we can, as an urban community, support this movement. one of the chief voices in new agrarianism is wendell berry and his influence in this part of the world can't be overstated. his chapter in this book was a great help as i was thinking about the way contextualized, missional leadership can be informed by the model of a wise farmer.
"the good farmer, like and artist, performs within a pattern; he must do one thing while remembering many others. He must be thoughtful of relationships and connections, always aware of the reciprocity of dependence and influence between part and whole. His work may be physical, but its integrity is made by thought....The good farmer's mind, as i understand it, is in a certain critical sense beyond the reach of textbooks and expert advice. Textbooks and expert advice, that is, can be useful to this mind, but only by means of a translation - difficult but possible, which only this mind can make - from the abstract to the particular" (p.28)
While we are at it, it may be good to consider some books nobody really needs to read as there are now movies based on the books. For example, a lot of people may not have heard that the Lord of the Rings series is now available in movie form, so there is no need to read Tolkien's musty old books.
But without that musty old book, we'd forget about dear old Tom Bombadil, and all those great Elvish songs that go on for 3-4 pages.
If I'm confessing my own list, I've had Stark's "The Rise of Christianity" on/underneath the bedside table for probably 2 1/2 years.
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