J-F Millet. Noonday Rest. 1866. Thanksgiving is a good day to rest and be at peace. I wish I could have come by. But we had a houseful of assorted friends to dinner, and by the time I had finished eating I was too encumbered to move usefully.

a humble attempt at authentic living. relying on community and conversation for holistic answers to fractured questions. trying to catch a glimpse of the kingdom coming. seeking the one who said "follow me"...
that's alright, mate. you were there in spirit...and in the mortar you so faithfully tuck-pointed. that home has been the sacred-space for so many remarkable moments in our life together.
Thanks for presenting another great painting to us. It is indeed a great image to meditate upon during the Thanksgiving holiday. And thanks especially for the effort that you've put in lately to attending the Sunday night fellowship meeting at the High Street House. Its been a challenging time for us as we seek to forge a new identity in the midst of ever changing circumstances. And as usual, when I've needed a friend to depend upon, you've continued to be there in ways that are inestimably valuable. Of all the people who can least afford to take time out to do that one little extra thing for someone else, you're definitely near the top. But you continue to make the effort in spite of your demanding schedule, and I just want you to know that it never goes unnoticed. Thanks again.......
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