Jean-Francois Millet, The Sower, 1850.
Artist with a revolutionary and scandalous concept: ordinary people and their lives are worthy of serious attention. The subject has an unmistakable earthiness and energy symbolizing the dynamism of the peasant population of the period. Millet painted a number of famous canvases, many of which glorified the French peasant class; another of my favorites is The Angelus.
This is an image to contemplate as the group discusses mission and related topics; "A sower went out to sow... "

This is indeed a beautiful work, and one that definitely has distinct overtones of our work as a community of sowers. Though far from flippant and appropriately deliberate in his actions, this sower nonetheless seems to exude a very free and relaxed attitude about his work. To me, his posture conveys a certain sense of faith in the soil and the elements of nature to complete the work that he has begun. There doesn't seem to be any hint of tension or fretting as he gladly spreads his seeds among the fields. His manner suggests that he's at peace with his role and in harmony with the process-and in his stride there's even traces of dance and celebration. I would that we could all be so inclined.............
Thanks again-its great to have you on the blog
thanks scott,
wonderful image and we need more of this on our blog. words have their limits. Millet is so evocative for me as my parents had a large framed print of his painting 'the gleaners' in our living room. it is the way i fell in love with Ruth and the story God weaved through death, lostness, and hunger. thanks for the reminder.
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