Well, the once yearly footwashing ceremony was held at High Street last night, and as always it was a moving and challenging experience. The fact that we can reach out and touch each other in such tender, frightening, and vulnerable ways is to me one of the very best evidences of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives. For without the work of the Holy Spirit I know that I would never feel comfortable exposing myself to other people in this way. But now, after so many years of journeying with folks that I know I can trust, consistently feeling their love, and consequently being gradually restored in my joy and faith in life, I generally look forward to these kinds of intimate encounters. My ability to participate and take joy in following Jesus into these sacraments is an evidence of my healing; but even more importantly it is the evidence of the healing and growth of community of people, without whom the whole work would be impossible. So, I give thanks to everyone who came to participate for giving this gift to me, to each other, and to Jesus as he heads into the darkest of days. And I want to especially thank my wife for making sure that we washed our precious little daughter's feet, and for being able to see her wash Geoff and Sherry's feet in the same bowl simultaneously. I thought that both of these acts were great symbols of our life together and of the goodness of God. So, thanks Maria for doing what you always do, inspiring other people.
I was blessed to sit by John (J.F.K.) for this ceremony. I think he should win the award for the most frequently washed feet (not that I was counting or anything.) John's warmth did not seem to be fazed by this brash intimacy. He just smiled and thanked the foot washer. At one point he worked on a Payday candy bar while some Jesus was drying his feet. His was a soothing presence in an otherwise unsettling night.
A hearty amen for the inimitable one.........
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