Melissa Maher is making her way to Mutare, Zimbabwe to serve and love the people of that brutalised country.
Joey Koskie is winging his way to the United Kingdom to present a paper at a theology conference...
Maria Kenney is also on her way to the UK to further her PhD studies...
Billy Kenney is headed our to Los Angeles to check up on some One Horizon matters (www.onehorizon.org)...
The Schroeder family is packing up this week to move to Austin, TX. Mark was offered a remarkable job opportunity but we will miss them greatly (Judy is one of the original originals of Communality)...please pop by for a last farewell at Pazzo's tomorrow (Tues.) evening between 5.30-7.30pm...
am i missing anyone/anything?
...and this from E. Stanley Jones:
"Prayer is co-operation with God. It is the purest exercise of the faculties God has given us - an exercise that links these faculties with the Maker to work out the intentions He had in mind in their creation. "
"Prayer means that the total you is praying. Your whole being reaches out to God, and God reaches down to you."
"Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purposes of God."
Thanks Geoff! (from the food court at Kennedy airport in NYC)
It is so nice to have the Graham family back in town, and not only because of some serious focacia bread.
Thanks for taking the time to update everyone on the travel itinerary of community members-what a great idea. We're having a good and productive time in L.A. and will be returning tomorrow evening. We're missing "mommy" Maria but glad to here that her time in Durham is going well and looking forward to her visit with the Turners. See you soon.......
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