
a humble attempt at authentic living. relying on community and conversation for holistic answers to fractured questions. trying to catch a glimpse of the kingdom coming. seeking the one who said "follow me"...
i wanted to pass on this information (from an email we recieived) about a show tonight...Sherry and I were actually contacted by the producer of this show some time back and it looks like an interesting program.
I wanted to let you know – and ask you to spread the word – about an important PBS special that airs this week and prominently features the role of faith in the fight against mountaintop removal coal mining.
In “Is God Green?” – which airs this Wednesday, October 11 at 9 p.m. on PBS (check your local listings) -- Bill Moyers examines the changing views towards the environment among evangelical Christians.The documentary features Allen Johnson, co-founder of Christians for the Mountains. As one review puts it:
The program explores the real-world consequences of mountaintop mining and its toxic by-products on the local water supply, profiling residents forced to live with drinking water allegedly contaminated by harmful chemicals and their fight against a subsidiary of the region’s largest coal company, Massey Energy. Allen’s group is working to recruit local churches to explore the pollution problem as a theological and Biblical issue, and to join their fight. Today, after 12 years, the local government is building the infrastructure that eventually will bring clean water to the effected communities.
Here at Appalachian Voices, we know that people of faith have a critical role to play in the effort to end mountaintop removal mining. Five major religious denominations have already passed resolutions against mountaintop removal mining.You can learn more about the intersection of religion and the fight against mountaintop removal mining by clicking on this link:http://www.ilovemountains.org/prayers
And if you haven’t yet done so, please add your voice to the more than 2,000 Americans who have already pledged to help end mountaintop removal mining by visiting the
ILoveMountains.org website:http://www.ilovemountains.org/take_action/Please forward this email to your friends and family, and invite a friend over on Wednesday to watch “Is God Green?” Getting the word out about the real consequences of mountaintop removal mining is critical to our efforts to end this destructive practice. Thank you for taking action.
I don’t recall Steve speaking of God much. But every time he said, “Isn’t that a little beauty!” I think he was speaking for God, the One who notices and loves the smallest goodness of every created thing. The look on his face when he sat with an orangutan or swam with a green sea turtle or let a lizard perch on his finger – that look in itself was a sign and a wonder. Sure, some people think he was over the top, but with millions of other fans, I miss him, and with them, I’m inspired to live life a little – no, a lot - louder and freer because of him … playing my own unique part in the sacred mission of saving love. Rest in peace, Steve-o. Well done.