we took a family trip yesterday to Reed Orchard...i took this pic of a variety of apple called "Arkansas Black." it was beautiful to see the many different types (shapes, colors, tastes) of apples and pears. the Creator seems to delight in variety. It was a spectacular day and Isaac ate his body weight in apples.

Okay, you made me drool. Apples and pears are probaby the only fruit we DONT get in PNG. Here we are bananas, mangos, passionfruit, sugerfruit, pinapples and paupaus a-plenty - and I am hanging out for a granny smith! Tis true...'you dont know what you got till its gone.' Your apple day sounded delicious. xxx
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and God has blessed me through it and encouraged me to start my own blog to share what He is doing in my life and community around me. (http://created4community.blogspot.com)I love apples and yes, it does seem our Creator delights in the diversity of life. I have never heard of the Arkansas Black apple, but I will be checking my local market for them now!
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