Tuesday, October 17, 2006

please pray

...for Lisa and Ty Samson as they meet with others in this nation's capital today. They are gathering to protest the use of torture and the related, recent changes to US law. Whenever our kin in missional community go out and put their hope into action like this we are mindful that they represent us and we are called to support them. Here's a clip and link from and to Will's post at his blog.

This Tuesday there will be a demonstration at the White House, just prior to the time when the President is to sign the Military Commissions Act of 2006, legislation that legalizes torture of prisoners. Further, this bill would eradicate the the writ of habeas corpus for detainees, meaning that we have eliminated the process for determining if the prisoners we are torturing are even individuals of interest. God help us (and I mean that quite literally). This is a terrible piece of legislation and ranks the United States with some of the cruelest and most barbaric cultures.

see here for more details in Will's post: http://willzhead.typepad.com/willzhead/2006/10/take_your_stand.html

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