Thursday, March 29, 2007

food for risen bodies

i came across this poem today. for the story behind it see this post.

wonderful to anticipate the joy of easter sunday....not long for you faithful lenten disciples...hang in there!

(this poem comes in 6 wonderfu parts...the following is part 2 - i'll try and post the rest before easter sunday)

Food for Risen Bodies
Michael Symmons Roberts
On that final night, his meal was formal:
lamb with bitter leaves of endive, chervil,
bread with olive oil and jars of wine.

Now on Tiberias' shores he grills
a carp and catfish breakfast on a charcoal fire.
This is not hunger, this is resurrection:

he eats because he can, and wants to
taste the scales, the moist flakes of the sea,
to rub the salt into his wounds.

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