Thanks again to every one who helped us celebrate John's 40th birthday. It meant a lot to him and to us to receive all of the wonderful and creative cards and share a meal with many of John's closest friends. Maria made a special request to Bryant's Rent-All and they were finally able to fulfill it. This is a really neat service that they provide to the communtiy and it made John really happy.
What, they couldn't fit John Fitzgerald Kennedy Bruce Papafio? Anways, that's awesome. I always checked that sign on my way to work.
my name is palmer ray, and i am currently a freshman at winthrop university in rock hill, south carolina. God has realy put a calling on my heart to love people, and to work towards solving problems of social injustice. my question to you is this: does communality take guests, or "interns?" i would love to work with all of you guys over the summer if it is possible.
my email address is rayc2@winthrop.edu
thank you and God bless,
palmer ray
oh maria - that sign is too good. i'm laughing out loud here in australia as i can imagine that thing on s. broadway and red mile.
palmer - sorry if no one has responded, but everyone is flat out with school for conversion. that might be a great place for you to start in fact - look up the new monasticism website - a link in on the right side of this blog. the folks organizing it are near you in n.c. if you're really interested you should come to lexington and visit (there might be another school for conversion in the fall).
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