Monday, July 02, 2007

words from merton

"God seeks Himself in us, and the aridity and sorrow of our heart is the sorrow of God who is not known in us, who cannot find Himself in us because we do not dare to believe or trust the incredible truth that He could live in us, and live there out of choice, out of preference. But indeed we exist solely for this, to be the place He has chosen for His presence, His manifestation in the world, His epiphany."

The Hidden Ground of Love: 157 "


geoff and sherry said...

thanks again, jodean, for a wonderful dose of merton. we have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be incarnational as a community and merton says it beautifully here. it is enlivening to think about God creating space (the earth and everything in it) for God's image to be reflected - for us to be caught up in the likeness of the social trinity. to do justice, love mercy, walk humbly in the ways of jesus. may the God of love live in us!

jkoch said...
