Monday, October 01, 2007

cancel debt fast

the jubilee USA network is encouraging widespread participation in a fast to raise awareness and boost support for important legislation called "the Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt cancellation of 200" (H.R. 2634).

here's what they're saying: "Individuals, congregations, and local organizations can participate in the Cancel Debt Fast by committing to fast for a day or more and on the same day to contact or meet with their Member of Congress, asking the congressperson to support the Jubilee Act as well as just trade and poverty-focused development assistance to fight global poverty. On any given day during the 40-day Cancel Debt Fast, debt cancellation advocates across the United States and around the world will be engaging in this powerful act of solidarity with those who are bound by the chains of unjust and oppressive debts."

jubilee is appealing for anyone to join them in fasting for a day by october 15th. if you are interested you can register online at in addition, please consider calling your representative and ask that he or she support the above legislation.


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