Sunday, August 06, 2006

Kill the ƒ#@*!$, for Christ's sake!

Ok, props to Will who already found and mentioned this at willzhead, but it was Dan Lowe's comment at Asbury that alerted me to this new video game which will "perpetuate positive values and appeal to mainstream and Christian audiences, while remaining committed to increasing shareholder value and pursuing the highest standards of integrity and professionalism". (The company's quote, not Will's or Dan's)

Yes, folks, Left Behind: Eternal Forces is soon coming to a computer screen near you.

(read on...)
Apparently you can wage war as either the nefarious Global Community Peacekeepers (godlessly destroying people) or as the Tribulation Force (bringing about God's judgement on the antichrist's followers).

My personal favorite line comes from the end of the FAQ:

Does the violence depicted in the game run contrary to Jesus’ message on “love your enemy”?
Absolutely not. Christians are quite clearly taught to turn the other cheek and to love their enemies. It is equally true that no one should forfeit their lives to an aggressor who is bent on inflicting death. Forgiveness does not require absolute defenselessness. Apparent contradictions on behalf of Christians are often the result of them placing greater importance on the message, than in caring for others. LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces is a game which provides great entertainment while encouraging fascinating discussions about matters of eternal importance.


Staupostek said...

Okay, Matthew 5:39 tells us to turn the other cheek, but where in Scripture does it say that "no one should forfeit their lives to an aggressor who is bent on inflicting death"? Verse and chapter if you please (addressed to the game makers). And, when you have it, could someone give it to the first century martyrs and St. Sebastian who forfeited their lives to Rome, Maximilian Kolbe who forfeited his life to Nazi Germany, and all the other Christians who have forfeited their lives to aggressors, rather than stiking back, in obedience to the first part of Matt. 5:39 which says "resist not evil". Just my two cents worth on the issue.

geoff and sherry said...

stunning (i mean that in a bad way).
are the people of God that far from the ways of Jesus? i find it really hard to believe but i also read an interview this week (that Billy sent me). check it out if you have the stomach...