last night a group of us had the great pleasure of eating with matthew and nancy sleeth. you might remember this post about matthew's book, "Serve God, Save the Planet" - it is a brilliant call to action for Christians to practice love for God's creation by living sustainably.
anyway, back to dinner last night. greg and mary set up a beautiful table in the 'dining room' of the High St House. we had a wonderful meal and heard about the journey the sleeth's have been on. i was deeply moved and inspired to hear their radical choices to practice what they are now preaching. the sleeths are truly authentic witnesses to living justly. they are also delightful people and we experienced that particular joy of meeting strangers who turn out ot be kindred spirits. we are thrilled they now live locally and we recognize we have much to learn from them as we seek the welfare of our city, state, nation, and planet. we (communality peeps) also spent some time sharing about our various experiences with local environmental organizations...we shared about mountain top removal, justice groups, and city initiatives to make Lexington 'green.' (also...see the local newspaper article here)
hopefully we can all continue to help our local christian family find the language and motivation to become involved in living out the good news of jesus in relation to the environment. if you live locally and have some influence at your church we would encourage you to have dr. sleeth come and speak. please contact me or follow this link to directly connect with the sleeths.
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