Sherry just read this book. perhaps she will write a review sometime soon. i dipped into it (as i am want to do) and it looks fantastic. a voice from the heart of american evangelicalism speaking to issues of environmental (and other) justice. i have it on good authority that the author actually just moved to central Kentucky so i hope we can hear more from dr. sleeth.
check out the website (www.servegodsavetheplanet.org) and click on resources for some great ways to put legs on living justly.

I think it's a great book to use in Christian contexts. The way he roots his convictions in stories is really helpful, as is his own story which really gives the lie to the stereotype of "what kind of person" is passionate about environmental justice. It's a pity we don't have him in New England anymore.
He's coming to the University of Maryland on the 12th of October-I'm looking forward to seeing him.
I'm just an interested person in the Simple Way and I enjoy the blog (thought I had to explain my rather random post).
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