a humble attempt at authentic living. relying on community and conversation for holistic answers to fractured questions. trying to catch a glimpse of the kingdom coming. seeking the one who said "follow me"...
Friday, September 22, 2006
America's smartest cities
Lexington made the top ten in this CNN brainiest cities list. education is no guarantee for wisdom but it's nice to see our home town ranked with the likes of 'real' (sexy?) cities such as Seattle, DC, and Boston.
dear anon, in answer to your question, "certainly not." and i'm not even sure intelligence is that great either....i think i would more likely desire wisdom and the scriptures suggest that, "the fear of the lord" is the beginning of wisdom. perhaps i have more pride in this small piece of news than is warranted...thanks for checking me on it.
welcome to our community blog. if you have any questions about communality, feel free to email sarah - mikeandsarahbrown [at] hotmail [dot] com. you can also call 859-254-1426. our weekly gatherings are held on sunday evenings at 5pm. throughout the summer we meet in local parks (weather permitting).
So a college degree equals intelligence?
dear anon,
in answer to your question, "certainly not." and i'm not even sure intelligence is that great either....i think i would more likely desire wisdom and the scriptures suggest that, "the fear of the lord" is the beginning of wisdom. perhaps i have more pride in this small piece of news than is warranted...thanks for checking me on it.
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