Sunday, March 01, 2009


i thought this article was interesting.

here's a snippet.  perhaps this is incarnation ecclesiology in the USA.


Church shopping, marketing, and the not-so-sanctified practices that go with them make easy targets for criticism. But competition among churches for worshippers has always been fierce in the United States, to the benefit of American religion and individual churchgoers. The prohibition against establishing an official state religion helped give us the shoppers' paradise that is our religious marketplace. Disestablishment (Massachusetts was the last state to cut ties to its official church, in 1833) meant that preachers had to learn to get along without support from the state. It made the ability to recruit and keep a flock—and get them to give generously—crucial to a church's survival. In 1992, Roger Finke and Rodney Stark argued in The Churching of America, 1776-1990 that this produced a ministry modeled on capitalism, with pastors acting as the church's sales force.


stacyLOVESyou said...

i suppose this comment has little do with this post...

but i didnt know how else to really contact you directly...

i just finished reading the irresistible revolution... and i dont think i have ever read a book that made me cry over and over again, besides the bible.

i'm a "baby christian" (something my church family likes to call and i live in allentown. I used to live in north philly, while i attended temple university. To make a long story short.. after i was saved, God had changed MY plans (funny how He does that...) and i just finished beauty school back here. I am so hungry to do some work... to really do SOMETHING for the kingdom. Do you guys have any volunteer programs in Philly? Is there any way i could check out the Simple Way first hand?

Thank you... for reading this, and for writing a book that has opened my eyes to so much in this world... and in me.

Anonymous said...

many of the mega style churches are actually "owned" by the pastors who are not responsible to anyone. they move from being pastors to being ranchers and drive the herd.
for some reason, the early church seemed to have these apostles, deacons, elders, bishops, etc..... which seems archaic today, but if i wanted to get my leprosy healed, it would be better to go back in time to 50 ad.